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InterBase Firebird Database Repair Software

SecureRecovery® File Repair repairs corrupted Interbase & Firebird databases (.gdb, .ib, .fdb)
  • Tables
  • Data Contained Within Tables
  • Stored Procedures, Views, and Check Constraints
  • Triggers
  • Domains
  • Foreign Keys
  • User-Defined Fields
  • Indexes

Take advantage of our risk-free "try before you buy" options. When you're satisfied with the repaired results, you can proceed to purchase.

Need Online File Repair?

As an alternative to downloadable utility, you can get instant results with our breakthrough online file repair. With no software to download and install it's easier and faster than ever.

Repair your corrupt files by uploading them to our cloud-based platform. After upload, processing typically takes from a few seconds to a minute, after which the user is offered free and paid options for downloading the results of the recovery.

Dozens of file formats are supported, including Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Access databases, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG and RAW images.

Fix Corrupted Interbase and FireBird Databases

File corruption in your Interbase or FireBird databases can often lead to frustrating disruptions and downtime, rendering essential data inaccessible or lost. 

Power outages, software conflicts, or abrupt system failures are some of the most common causes of data loss in Interbase and FireBird databases. You can't predict when any of those might happen, which is why it's so crucial to have a backup plan and a way to restore your data if disaster strikes.

SecureRecovery® for Interbase is an efficient and reliable solution to repair and restore damaged Interbase and FireBird database files. No matter what caused the file’s malfunction—be it corruption in the file structure, interrupted transactions, or physical storage issues—this powerful utility is designed to restore your data and get your databases back up and running.

Using cutting-edge data recovery algorithms, SecureRecovery® for Interbase thoroughly analyzes your corrupted files, salvaging essential elements like tables, triggers, and stored procedures. Then, it pieces these elements back together to recreate a fresh version of your database, which you can then use to seamlessly resume operations. This industry-leading tool can get your files fixed in no time at all.

User-Friendly Database Repair

SecureRecovery® for Interbase offers an intuitive, easy-to-use interface making the recovery process straightforward for anyone. Even users with minimal technical experience navigate it easily, quickly restoring their most important files. 

With the help of SecureRecovery®, you can swiftly and easily recover your lost data, and restore your database, saving you on potential lost time and resources.

Try Before You Buy with Our Free Demo

Not convinced that SecureRecovery® for Interbase is the right solution for your corrupted database? We offer a free demo version just for you. Try it out now!

The free demo performs a thorough analysis of your corrupted Interbase or FireBird database, much like the full version would. However, instead of recovering your entire database, it will only recover a sample of your data—for instance, a few rows per table. It will then display all other recoverable data as demo text. 

If you’re satisfied with the preview of your recovered database, upgrade to the full version with the confidence that your database and all its vital elements will be promptly restored.

Need In-Lab Services?

DIY data recovery software or hard drive recovery tools not producing the results you expect. Don't give up! Contact the experts at Secure Data Recovery Services.

Talk To an Expert

Recover Your InterBase Database Files from Your Browser

In addition to our downloadable recovery utility, we offer a convenient online-only alternative for repairing and restoring corrupted Interbase and FireBird database files. 

We understand that it can be both intimidating and a hassle to install unfamiliar software on your home or office computer, and that’s exactly why we developed our Online Interbase File Repair Tool. 

With this tool, you can quickly analyze and repair your Interbase and FireBird database files. No need for anything else but your browser!

How to Use the Online File Repair Tool

We’ve made getting started with the online repair tool as simple as can be. All you need to do is upload your damaged Interbase or FireBird file using the form at the top of the online file repair tool page. 

The tool will analyze your file and salvage any data it can recover. It'll then reconstruct it into a fully functional version of your database.

Once the process is complete, you’ll be presented with a preview of your recovered database. This preview will consist of a small fully-restored sample of your data with all other recoverable data shown as demo text. 

If you’re happy with the sample and the amount of recoverable data simply pay the fee to access your fully restored database in its entirety!

Note that in a few rare cases of severe file corruption, the online tool may show a “No data to recover” message. If this happens to you, don’t lose hope—your data isn’t necessarily gone for good. 

Our team specializes in advanced manual recovery techniques, and our experts are here to help you.

Get in touch with our experts today for a personalized evaluation! 

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January 28, 2025
Timothy Burlee
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File Repair Software

SecureRecovery® helps restore damaged and corrupted files that can't be accessed or opened by their native apps, often outperforming manufacturer-provided repair utilities.

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